They See Me Rollin’

Good evening everyone!

Sheesh today was a busy and stressful day!

I am just now getting to relax, and it’s only the second day of school. Oh boy.

Good news is, Add/Drop week is always the most stressful because everyone is just finalizing their classes and picking up books and supplies.

I had to wake up at 5:30 am this morning. I haven’t been up THAT early in who knows how long!

Anyway, on to the interesting stuff Open-mouthed smile 

Last night was the last time to spend time with my brother Brendan before he was leaving again. We barley get to see him because he lives about 6-8 hours away, so we made sure to have a nice night.

We made dinner and had steak, tilapia, mushrooms, salad, and rutabaga fries! Super yummy, but unfortunately I forgot to snap any pictures.

However, I did get some pictures of these babies.




I saw this recipe on Julie’s Blog and new I had to try it! It sounded so easy and perfect.

Low and behold, they were delicious! I used Carrot Cake Mix instead of the spice though because I bought the wrong one, oops. It still worked the same though, I definitely recommend these.

I also cut up some watermelon. It was so fresh and juicy, I love summer fruits.


Not the best picture since I took this in my kitchen, but as you can see from Brendan not being able to wait, it was still good.


Or his mouth? DSC00853

As you can see he was just a little bit impatient!

Earlier in the day, I went to the mall to get my mom a birthday present and a little something for myself Winking smile

Meet my new best. friend.


Please don’t mind my mix-match shorts. Boxers are far more comfy than jeans.

Seriously, why did I wait so long to get my hands on this little piece of foamy heaven?!

I almost cried. Tears of joy, of course. It actually kind of hurts but it hurts so good and massages your muscles!

Oh yeah.DSC00843

Oh my gosh. Just to inform you all, I woke up SUPER sore this morning from yesterday’s workout.

I don’t get crazy sore all that often, but for some odd reason when I do deadlifts, I can’t walk the next day. Those evil things.

Even after foam rolling till I went to sleep last night, my hamstrings are DEAD. I could barley walk! So ridiculous.

I kind of like being sore but not to the point where I can’t even workout.

After my stressful day at school, classes, waiting an hour and a half to talk to an advisor, monitoring the computer like a crazy person waiting for someone to drop the class I need, and much more, I wanted to blow off some steam!

However, I knew I couldn’t take my usual spin class that I love because honestly I wouldn’t be able to do it with my legs in this condition.

I am completely over exaggerating. Kind of, not really.

So instead my mom and I went to my mini gym once again and I totally copied Courtney and completed her Walking Treadmill Interval’s workout. I knew it was a good way to blow of some steam by not getting too crazy.

I loved it! I worked up a sweat and it still got my heart pumping and was just the right thing for me today.

Now excuse me, I have another date with my foam roller. Rollin’ till my legs fall off, literally. Then I will probably be sleeping by 10pm. I may be the craziest college student you’ve ever met Winking smile Catch you all tomorrow!



Do you have a foam roller?

What workout gets you super sore?

How do you deal with stress?

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